faith works by love got questions
Christs death fully accomplished justification through faith and redemption from sin. One of mans basic desires is to be in control of his own destiny and that includes his eternal destiny.
A Church of England priest has formed a perfect marriage between her scientific talent her love of animals and her faith by combining.

. Salvation by works appeals to mans pride and his desire to be in control. Also man has an inherent sense of justice. James introduced the truth about faith and works in James 122.
The doctrine of sola fide also seems to appear in the doctrine of John Wycliffe as he stated. Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves. We believe salvation is received by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.
The doctrine of faith alone precedes Martin Luther in the theologies of many proto-Protestant reformers. Christ died in our place Romans 58-9 and bore our sins in His own body 1 Peter 224. Not that faith is something we conjure up on our ownit is the gift of God not of works see Ephesians 289but it is our responsibility and joy to exhibit our faith so that others will see the work of Christ in us and to grow in our faith by the application of spiritual disciplines Bible study prayer obedience etc.
Trust wholly in Christ. Rely altogether on his sufferings. Wessel Gansfort the Waldensians Jacques Lefèvre dÉtaples Gottschalk Claudius of Turin and possibly also in Johann Pupper.
Do what it says In other words if there are no deeds of faith. Good works and obedience are results of salvation not requirements for salvation. Being saved by works appeals to that desire far more than the idea of being saved by faith alone.
In This Is Love Not That We Have Loved God But That He Loved Us And Sent His Son To Be The Propitiation For Our Sins Beloved 1 John How
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